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ACPA NewsJul 25, 2022 3:41:41 PM

Pipe Week 2019

Pipe Week 2019: Concrete Builds Resilient Infrastructure

November 26, 2019

Each year, the American Concrete Pipe Association celebrates Concrete Pipe Week to recognize the vital role reinforced concrete pipe plays in strong, durable and disaster-proof infrastructure. Concrete Pipe Week 2019, held August 18 to 24, proved to be a great success as the industry came together to raise awareness of concrete pipe’s importance to communities.

Through ACPA’s advocacy, 25 state governors issued state proclamations, officially recognizing August 18 to 24 as Concrete Pipe Week. These state proclamations emphasize the undeniable contributions that concrete pipe producers, their team members and their customers make to the American economy, environment and local communities.

North Carolina’s proclamation gives an example of concrete pipe’s contribution to high-performing infrastructure: “Reinforced concrete pipe and precast concrete products are of vital importance to sustainable communities and to the health and well-being of the people of North Carolina; and reinforced concrete pipe and precast concrete products are integral to safe, durable and long-lasting drainage systems in transportation projects designed and built by the North Carolina Department of Transportation.”

As ACPA members across the country celebrate Concrete Pipe Week, a variety of activities are held in each region: plant tours, employee appreciation events, and other opportunities to engage with federal, state and local officials. In various regions, our association invites state legislators to tour concrete pipe plants so they can get a first-hand look at how concrete pipe benefits their constituents and resilient infrastructure.

At the Mountain States Concrete Pipe Association’s Pipe Week tours, concrete pipe producers offer lunch and free Professional Development Hours (PDHs). PDHs offer education on concrete pipe’s strength and benefits. When guests see how the concrete pipes are manufactured and rigorously tested, as well as the many applications for concrete pipe products, they can better understand how to specify them. Perhaps even more important, the professional development at plant tours offers education on correct pipe installation, which is a huge benefit to our industry.

Concrete Pipe Week not only allows our industry to educate, but also to say thank you to those we work with in building resilient communities. The personal relationships we develop through Concrete Pipe Week events and other activities throughout the year enable us to help solve problems and ensure we leave a lasting legacy through infrastructure that keeps communities safe.

The ACPA is thrilled with Concrete Pipe Week’s success in raising awareness and promoting the reinforced concrete pipe industry. The concrete pipe industry provides many benefits to growing communities by offering a durable and sustainable product for transportation infrastructure and stormwater management systems. Join us in ensuring communities remain strong and resilient because of reinforced concrete pipe’s superior durability, strength and sustainability.

For more information on Concrete Pipe Week or how to get involved with Pipe Week 2020 activities in your area, contact Walt Catlett.

















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